Top 40 Art Quotes

Art Quotes
Art is not, as the metaphysicians say, the manifestation of some mysterious idea of beauty or God; it is not, as the aesthetical physiologists say, a game in which man lets off his excess of stored-up energy; it is not the expression of man’s emotions by external signs; it is not the production of pleasing objects; and, above all, it is not pleasure; but it is a means of union among men, joining them together in the same feelings, and indispensable for the life and progress toward well-being of individuals and of humanity.

Leo Tolstoy

The role of the artist is to ask questions, not answer them.

Anton Chekhov

Art is an attempt to understand, yielding pleasure in the attempt whether or not we understand.

Robert Brault

Art is not a thing — it is a way.

Elbert Hubbard

Art is an experience, not the formulation of a problem.

Lindsay Anderson

You see, painting has now become, or all art has now become completely a game,by which man distracts himself. What is fascinating actually is, that it's going to become much more difficult for the artist, because he must really deepen the game to become any good at all.

Francis Bacon

Art is the most intense mode of individualism that the world has known.

Oscar Wilde

Art touches the soul... art is communication... it reaches out from the canvas and passes through the eyes of the viewer right into his heart where it can leave an imprint of beauty that can make the spirit sing.

Nina Baldwin

An essential element of any art is risk. If you don’t take a risk then how are you going to make something really beautiful, that hasn’t been seen before? I always like to say that cinema without risk is like having no sex and expecting to have a baby. You have to take a risk.

Francis Ford Coppola

Art completes what nature cannot bring to finish. The artist gives us knowledge of nature's unrealized ends.


Art Quotes

He who works with his hands is a laborer.He who works with his hands and his head is a craftsman.He who works with his hands and his head and his heart is an artist.

Francis of Assisi

Art begins with resistance — at the point where resistance is overcome. No human masterpiece has ever been created without great labor.

André Gide

The creative relationship with basic human archetypes can be communicated through art to human perception.

Kristi Bridgeman

Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once he grows up.

Pablo Picasso

Art is identical with a state of capacity to make, involving a true course of reasoning.


Painting is poetry that is seen rather than felt, and poetry is painting that is felt rather than seen.

Leonardo da Vinci

Art is man's constant effort to create for himself a different order of reality from that which is given to him.

Chinua Achebe

The most beautiful experience we can have is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion that stands at the cradle of true art and true science.

Albert Einstein

I can't tell you what art does and how it does it, but I know that art has often judged the judges, pleaded revenge to the innocent and shown to the future what the past has suffered, so that it has never been forgotten.

John Berger

Art and love are the same thing: It’s the process of seeing yourself in things that are not you.

Chuck Klosterman

Art Quotes

Art is the only power to free humankind from all repression.

Joseph Beuys

Art enables us to find ourselves and lose ourselves at the same time.

Thomas Merton

What is art? Nature concentrated.

Honore de Balzac

1.Güncel Mevduat Faiz Oranları

2 GARANTÄ° %43 775 KURUMSAL 365
3 ZİRAAT %44 825 ŞİRKET 180

Art is like therapy; what comes up is what comes up. It may be dark, but that's what comes up. You may want to keep some of it in a drawer... but never judge it.

Nick Bantock

Creativity takes courage.

Henri Matisse

All of the arts, poetry, music, ritual, the visible arts, the theater, must singly and together create the most comprehensive art of all, a humanized society, and its masterpiece, free man.

Bernard Berenson

It would be possible to describe everything scientifically, but it would make no sense; it would be without meaning, as if you described a Beethoven symphony as a variation of wave pressure.

Albert Einstein

Art is magic delivered from the lie of being truth.

Theodor Adorno

When I was a child my mother said to me, 'If you become a soldier, you'll be a general. If you become a monk, you'll be the pope.' Instead I became a painter and wound up as Picasso.

Pablo Picasso

There are painters who transform the sun to a yellow spot, but there are others who with the help of their art and their intelligence, transform a yellow spot into sun.

Pablo Picasso

Art Quotes

Good art is not what it looks like, but what it does to us.

Roy Adzak

A picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.

Diane Arbus

There is no word for art. We say it is to transfer something from the real to the unreal. I am an owl, and I am a happy owl. I like to make people happy and everything happy. I am the light of happiness and I am a dancing owl.

Kenojuak Ashevak

2. Banka Hesap Tablosu

1AKBANK %42 965
2 GARANTÄ° %43 776
3 ZÄ°RAAT %44 564

Art without emotion its like chocolate cake without sugar. It makes you gag.

Laurie Halse Anderson

Art is an international language, understood by all.

Igor Babailov

Art inspires, produces an unwillingness to settle for what we have and a desire for something better. It is the product and producer of creative activity, change; it is essential for continuous development.

Russell Ackoff

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls.

Pablo Picasso

Any form of art is a form of power; it has impact, it can affect change – it can not only move us, it makes us move.

Ossie Davis

Impression is not enough. Design, style, technique these, too, are not enough. Art must reach further than impression or self-revelation.

Ansel Adams

Nature is a haunted house--but Art--is a house that tries to be haunted.

Emily Dickinson

1 Yorumlar

  1. Art inspires, produces an unwillingness to settle for what we have and a desire for something better. It is the product and producer of creative activity, change; it is essential for continuous development.


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